
Futures: Fine Grained Parallelism in PLT

We're pleased to announce the initial release of parallel futures, a construct for fine-grained parallelism in PLT. Roughly speaking, a programmer passes a thunk to 'future' and it gets run in parallel. That "roughly" holds a few gotchas, partly because we're just getting started and partly due to the technique we're using. See the documentation for more details:


If you've got a multicore machine where you can't keep the cores busy or your office/machine room is a bit cold, try this program:

#lang scheme
(require scheme/future)
(define (loop) (loop))
 (for/list ([i (in-range 0 (processor-count))])
  (future loop)))
Note that you have to build mzscheme with futures; it isn't enabled by default, but see the docs above for how to do that. Beyond the above, we've also gotten a few parallel kernels going and are seeing good scalability up to 8 cores (the biggest machine we have around for the time being).


PLT Scheme v4.2.3

PLT Scheme version 4.2.3 is now available from

  • The unit test framework for the teaching languages provides check-member-of and check-range for checking "random functions", i.e., "functions" that may produce several different results for one and the same argument.
  • Added a new image library, 2htdp/image. Significant changes from htdp/image:
    • copying and pasting does not introduce jaggies
    • equal? comparisons are more efficient
    • added rotation & scaling
    • got rid of pinholes (new overlay, beside, above functions based on bounding boxes)
  • The scheme/vector library provides common vector operations (also reprovided by scheme).
  • The scheme/promise library provides several new kinds of promises with alternatives execution strategies.
  • New port-reading utilities: in-port, port->list, file->list.
  • A new require-macro, path-up, for requiring a file that is higher in the directory tree.


PLT Scheme v4.2.2

PLT Scheme version 4.2.2 is now available from

  • DrScheme now, by default, compiles all of the files that are loaded when it runs a program and saves the compiled files in the filesystem. This should lead to faster load times (not faster runtimes) since it avoids re-compiling files whose dependencies have not changed.
  • New Scribble libraries and documentation make it easier to get started with Scribble, especially for uses other than PLT documentation. DrScheme now has better indentation and syntax coloring support for Scribble languages (and generally all @-exp based languages).
  • The new syntax/keyword library provides support for macros with keyword options. A new quick start guide has been added to the documentation for the syntax/parse library.
  • Added support for abstract contracts via the #:exists keywords. This is an experiment to add support for data hiding to the contract system.
  • Added in-producer: a sequence expression makes it easy to iterate over producer functions (e.g., read). A new scheme/generator library creates generators that can use a (parameterized) yield function.
  • HtDP langs: several primitives now consume 0 and 1 arguments in ISL (and up), including append, + and *. In addition, make-list was added to the primitives.
  • The API to Universe has a number of new constructs. All Universe programs should run unchanged. The most important change is the addition of animate as an alternative name for run-simulation. In addition, adding the clause (state true) to a world description now pretty-prints the state of the world into a separate canvas.
  • A number of changes were made to the DeinProgramm / DMdA language levels: The check-property and contract forms were added, define-record-procedures-parametric has changed. See the documentation for details.
  • The test engine in the HtDP languages no longer warns programmers when the Definitions window has no tests.
  • ProfessorJ (and related code) is no longer included in the PLT distributions. It may re-appear in the future as a PLaneT package.


set! vs set-box! and unbox

A few weeks ago I was chatting with some PLT folks and was surprised to hear them say that they avoided set! because using set-box! and unbox was easier to see what was going on.
This struck me as wrong since one might pass boxes around and then you can't be sure which box you're mutating, but you cannot pass variable references around and thus which variable you're using is always lexically apparent. (Of course, when you add lambda into the mix that isn't really true, since you can capture a variable in a closure and pass that around.)
Their point seemed to be that you had to write something special at each use of the box, unlike with set! where you simply write a variable reference and it might be getting a changing quantity and it might not be. This made me realize I could do something to help, at least, and so I changed Check Syntax so that it colored set!'d variables in red, like this:


PLT Scheme v4.2.1

PLT Scheme version 4.2.1 is now available from

  • This is the last release that includes ProfessorJ. As of the next release, Kathy Gray who created and maintained the Professor will move the code to planet and maintain only at a minimal level.
  • Typed Scheme 2.0 extends the type system significantly, making it more expressive. For example, predicates applied to selectors, such as (number? (car x)), are meaningful to the type system.
  • Faster installation of Planet packages that trigger install of other Planet packages, because the documentation index is updated only once after a group of packages is installed.
  • The syntax/parse library provides macro writers with an enhanced syntax pattern matcher that reports errors based on the patterns' declared classes of syntax.
  • Identifier mappings following the v4 dictionary interface and naming conventions are available from the syntax/id-table library.
  • Redex: added define-relation and generalized patterns that appear in "where" clauses to use the full Redex pattern matcher. (This is a backwards incompatible change, but one often requested; see the Redex release notes for details.)
  • The Web Server's serializable closures are now available for other purposes through the web-server/lang/serial-lambda library.
  • Teachpacks: small changes to universe portion of the "universe.ss" API, plus the addition of a form for launching many (communicating) worlds simultaneously. Bug fixes concerning conversion to strings.
  • It is now possible to create custom scribble readers with a command characters different than @, see make-at-reader/inside and make-at-reader
  • Note: this is likely to be the last release that includes a solaris distribution. If you need these builds, or if you have access to a (Sparc) Solaris machine than can be used in PLT builds, then please let me know.


Serializable Closures in PLT Scheme

PLT Scheme supports an extensible serialization system for structures. A structure is serializable if it has a prop:serializable property. There are many properties in PLT Scheme for other extensions, such as applicable structures and custom equality predicates.

The PLT Web application development framework uses these features to provide serializable continuations through a number of source transformations and a serializable closure structure.

Warning: This remainder post refers to features only available in the latest SVN revision of PLT Scheme.

I've recently made these closures more accessible to non-Web programs through web-server/lang/serial-lambda. Here's a demo:

#lang scheme
(require web-server/lang/serial-lambda

(define f
  (let ([z 5])
     (x y)
     (+ x y z))))

(define (test-it)
  (printf "~S~n" (f 1 2))
  (let ([fs (serialize f)])
    (printf "~S~n" fs)
    (let ([df (deserialize fs)])
      (printf "~S~n" df)
      (printf "~S~n" (df 1 2)))))

> (test-it)
((2) 1 ((#"/Users/jay/Dev/svn/plt/collects/web-server/exp/test-serial.ss" . "lifted.6")) 0 () () (0 5))
#(struct:7a410aca70b31e88b4c2f0fe77fa7ffe:0 #)

Now, let's see how it is implemented. web-server/lang/serial-lambda is thin wrapper around web-server/lang/closure, which has two syntax transformer functions: define-closure! which defines the closure structure and make-closure which instantiates the closure. (The two tasks are separated to easily provide a user top-level definition syntax for named closures with different free identifires, rather than simply anonymous lambdas with fixed free identifiers.)

make-closure does the following:

  1. Expands the procedure syntax using local-expand, so it can use free-vars to compute the free identifires.
  2. Uses define-closure! to define the structure and get the name for the constructor.
  3. Instantiates the closure with the current values of the free identifiers.

The more interesting work is done by define-closure!. At a high-level, it needs to do the following:

  1. Create a deserialization function.
  2. Create a serialization function that references the deserializer.
  3. Define the closure structure type that references the serializer.
  4. Provide the deserializer from the current module so that arbitrary code can deserialize instances of this closure type.

These tasks are complicated in a few ways:

  1. The deserializer needs the closure structure type definition to create instances and the serializer needs the closure structure type to access their fields.
  2. The serializer needs the syntactic identifier of the deserializer so that scheme/serialize can dynamic-require it during deserialization.
  3. The deserializer must be defined at the top-level, so it may be provided.
  4. All this may occur in a syntactic expression context.

Thankfully, the PLT Scheme macro system is powerful to support all this.

The only complicated piece is allowing the deserializer and serializer to refer to the closure structure constructor and accessors. This is easily accomplished by first defining lifting boxes that will hold these values and initializing them when the structure type is defined. This is safe because all accesses to the boxes are under lambdas that are guaranteed not to be run before the structure type is defined.

An aside on the closure representation. The closure is represented as a structure with one field: the environment. The environment is represented as a thunk that returns n values, one for each of the free identifiers. This ensures that references that were under lambdas in the original syntax, remain under lambdas in the closure construction, so the serializable closures work correctly inside letrec. This thunk is applied by the serializer and the free values are stored in a vector. The closure also uses the prop:procedure structure property to provide an application function that simply invokes the environment thunk and binds its names, then applys the original procedure syntax to the arguments.

An aside on the serializer. The deserializer is bound to lifted identifier which is represented in PLT Scheme as an unreadable symbol. Version added support for (de)serializing these.


PLT Scheme v4.2

PLT Scheme version 4.2 is now available from

Internally, this version includes a conversion from C++ to Scheme for part of the GUI toolbox --- specifically, 25k lines of code that implement the general text and pasteboard editor. This conversion is a start on a larger reimplementation of the GUI toolbox. Although we believe that this change will help make PLT Scheme better in the long run, we must expect bugs in the short term due to porting errors. Users should therefore be aware of the change, even though the new implementation is meant to behave the same as previous versions.
  • A new statistical profiler is now available; see the "profiler" manual for more information. Currently, the profiler supports only textual output, but future plans include a GUI interface and DrScheme integration.
  • The world teachpack is now deprecated. Its replacement universe has a new interface that uses strings instead of symbols and characters.
  • Web-server: Native continuations in the stateless servlet language support capturing continuations from untransformed contexts; soft state library for stateless servlets.
  • DrScheme's Stepper can now jump to a selected program expression.
  • New in scheme/base: hash-has-key?, hash-ref!, in-sequences, in-cycle. New in scheme: count, make-list (from scheme/list), const (from scheme/function).
  • Some performance improvements, including faster start-up for small programs. The latter is a result of delaying module invocations at higher phases (compile time, meta-compile time, etc.) until compilation is demanded at the next lower phase; this on-demand instantiation is per-phase, as opposed to per-module within a phase.
[Note that mirror sites can take a while to catch up with the new downloads.] Feedback Welcome.


Typed Scheme 2.0

Typed Scheme version 2.0 is now available from SVN.

One persistent limitation of Typed Scheme has been that while this expression works as expected:

(if (number? x) (add1 x) 7)

The simple transformation of making x a part of a structure breaks Typed Scheme's ability to reason about the code. So this expression doesn't typecheck:

(if (number? (car x)) (add1 (car x)) 7)

With the newest version of Typed Scheme, now available in SVN, both of these will now work. In general, Typed Scheme can now follow paths into arbitrary immutable structures, including pairs.

This is part of a more general reworking of underlying mechanisms of the Typed Scheme typechecker, which makes it both simpler and more flexible. I hope that it will be possible, sing this new foundation to add additional features that make more programs easy to express in Typed Scheme.

Of course, these changes mean that Typed Scheme may be more unstable, so if you notice any new bugs, please let us know.

Unfortunately, this won't be available in the upcoming 4.2 release, but it will be in the release after that.

If you have any questions or comments or feature requests for Typed Scheme, please let us know.


Explicit Renaming Macros; Implicitly

It's been one too many times that I hear respectable Schemers talk about how they like explicit renaming macros — not because they're more powerful, but because using them is close to using simple defmacros. In this post I'll show how you can easily write ER-like macros in PLT, just so I won't need to explain the same thing once again. Disclaimers:

  • If you're not interested in ER-macros, then you shouldn't read this.
  • I'm not claiming that ER macros are not respectable, I'm just surprised at the knee jerk reaction to syntax-case.
  • This is not an attempt at providing some portable library or even a PLT library. The intention is to show that syntax-case-style macros are "as convenient" as ER macros, if you really want to get down to that level.
  • This is also not an attempt at any kind of formal claim of equivalence in any direction, only a demonstration that you can get the same kind of convenience.
  • The bottom line here should be just the convenience point, addressed at people who like ER macros for that, and who think that syntax-case macros are somehow magical or that you lose the ability to play with S-expressions.
The important fact here is that while PLT's syntax-case macro system does not give you raw S-expressions, what you get is a simple wrapper holding them. A macro is a syntax transformer: a function that consumes a syntax value and returns one. For example:
  (define-syntax (foo stx)
is a macro that always expands to 123 (with #'123 being the usual shorthand for (syntax 123)). A syntax object in PLT Scheme (the input to macro functions) is an S-expression, with some lexical information added — this includes the lexical context (in an opaque form), source location, and a few more things. To be more precise, a syntax value is a nested structure of wrappers holding lists and pairs, holding more wrappers, with identifiers at the leaves, where an identifier is a wrapper holding a symbol. It's easy to strip off all wrappers using syntax->datum if you like to work with S-expressions, but you don't want to strip it off of identifiers, since that will lose the important gravy. (In fact, the defmacro library works by stripping off all information, even from identifiers, then reconstructing it by trying to match names in the output form with the original input.) Instead of throwing away all information, what we want to do is preserve identifiers. We can use syntax->list for this: this is a function that takes a syntax value that contains a list, and strips off the top-level extra information leaving you with a list of syntaxes for the sub-expressions (returning #f if the input syntax does not hold a list). Once we have such a list, we can do the usual kind of processing with it, and when we're done turn the result back into a syntax using datum->syntax (which "borrows" the original input expression's information). For example,
  (define-syntax (add1 stx)
    (let ([+ #'+])
      (datum->syntax stx `(,+ 1 ,@(cdr (syntax->list stx))) stx)))
That's a very simple example though; if you try something a little more complicated, you quickly find out that all this unwrapping is inconvenient:
  (define-syntax (mylet stx)
    (let ([*lambda #'lambda])
       `((,*lambda ,(map (lambda (x) (car (syntax->list x)))
                         (syntax->list (cadr (syntax->list stx))))
                   ,@(cddr (syntax->list stx)))
         ,@(map (lambda (x) (cadr (syntax->list x)))
                (syntax->list (cadr (syntax->list stx)))))
(Note also the *lambda that is used to avoid the lambda expressions used in the meta-code.) What can help here is some helper function that receive a syntax value as its input, and turn all wrapped lists into real lists recursively, but will leave identifiers intact:
    (define (strip stx)
      (let ([maybe-list (syntax->list stx)])
        ;; syntax->list returns #f if the syntax is not a list
        (if maybe-list (map strip maybe-list) stx))))
But as long as we're writing a syntax utility, we can make it do a litte more work: feed the resulting tree to your transformer, grab its result, and do the necessary datum->syntax voodoo on it:
    (define (er-like-transformer transformer)
      (define (strip stx)
        (let ([maybe-list (syntax->list stx)])
          ;; syntax->list returns #f if the syntax is not a list
          (if maybe-list (map strip maybe-list) stx)))
      (lambda (stx)
        (datum->syntax stx (transformer (strip stx)) stx))))
With this utility defined, the above macro becomes much easier to deal with:
  (define-syntax mylet
     (lambda (exp)
       (let ((vars  (map car (cadr exp)))
             (inits (map cadr (cadr exp)))
             (body  (cddr exp)))
         `((,(syntax lambda) ,vars ,@body)
...and this is almost identical to the explicit renaming version of the macro; for example, compare it with the sample code in the MIT-Scheme manual. The only change is that (rename 'lambda) is replaced with (syntax lambda). Obviously, this is very close, but doesn't show intentional captures. So I just grabbed the loop example from the same page, and did the same change — only this time I used #'foo instead of (syntax foo) (and I also changed the one-sided if to a when). The resulting macro works fine:
  (define-syntax loop
     (lambda (x)
       (let ((body (cdr x)))
           (,#'lambda (exit)
            (,#'let ,#'f () ,@body (,#'f))))))))
  (define-syntax while
    (syntax-rules ()
      ((while test body ...)
       (loop (when (not test) (exit #f))
             body ...))))
  (let ((x 10))
    (while (> x 0)
      (printf "~s\n" x)
      (set! x (- x 1))))
This is pretty close to a library, and indeed, as I was writing this text I found a post by Andre van Tonder on the Larceny mailing list that uses a very similar approach and does make a library out of it. This is done by adding two arguments to the expected ER-transformation function — one is a rename function (since the above method uses syntax it is limited to immediate identifiers), and the other is always passed as free-identifier=?. Such a compatibility library is, however, not the purpose of this post. Finally, there is still a minor issue with this — PLT has an implicit #%app which is used wherever there are parentheses that stand for a function application — and in this code they are used unhygienically. This is usually not a noticeable problem, and if it is, you can add explicit #%apps. It might also be possible to find a more proper solution (e.g., use a hash table to keep track of lists that were disassembled by the client transformer), but at this point it might be better to just use the more natural syntax-case anyway.


The Two State Solution: Native and Serializable Continuations in the PLT Web Server

One of the annoyance of the stateless Web application language that comes with the PLT Web Server is that you can't call third-party higher-order library procedures with arguments that try to capture serializable continuations. (I know, you try to do that all the time.) For example:

 (lambda (i)
    (lambda (k) (serialize k)))))

The problem is that the stateless language performs a transformation on your program to extract the continuations into a serializable representation. If you really need to do this, we've developed a compromise called "The Two State Solution": one state on the client and the other on the server. Only the third-party parts of the continuation (in this case, the code inside build-list) are stored on the server; everything else is shipped to the client. You just need to annotate your code slightly to indicate where the transition is:

  (lambda (i)
      (lambda (k) (serialize k)))))))

serial->native signals the transition to the third-party and native->serial signals the transition back.

It is still a little annoying to find when you've called these third-party higher-order library procedures with arguments that try to capture serializable continuations, so there's a simple macro that provides a transitioning wrapper for you:

(define-native (build-list/native _ ho) build-list)

expands to:

(define (build-list/native fst snd)
    (lambda args
       (apply snd args))))))

This new feature is documented in the online manual, of course.

Soft State in the PLT Web Server

Many Web applications and network protocols have values in the continuation that are necessary to complete the computation, but that may be recomputed if they are not available. This is "soft state".
For example, a Web application may cache a user's preferences from a database and deliver it to a Web browser as a hidden value; when the value is returned to the application in subsequent steps, it is used to customize the display. However, if the preferences were not available (or were corrupted in some way), the application could retrieve them from the database.
When using the PLT Web Server's native continuations, this roughly corresponds to the use of a weak box: a box that the GC is allowed to erase the contents of. When using the PLT Web Server's serializable continuations it roughly corresponds to a weak box and a weak hash table (that holds its keys weakly) to give the box a serializable value as an identifier.
This programming pattern is a bit difficult to get right. So, a library that implements it is now provided with PLT Scheme: web-server/lang/soft.
Here's a trivial example:

#lang web-server

(provide interface-version start)
(define interface-version 'stateless)

(define softie
   (printf "Doing a long computation...~n")
   (sleep 1)))

(define (start req)
  (soft-state-ref softie)
  (printf "Done~n")
    (lambda (k-url)
      `(html (body (a ([href ,k-url]) "Done")))))))

Scheme Workshop: deadline NOT extended!

We're holding the line on our submission deadline; it's still June 5, so that gives you about three weeks to write something awesome.

Re-posting the entire CfP on a blog seems a bit tacky, so instead I'll just post the link:


We look forward to your submissions!


What is send/suspend?

I often ponder what send/suspend really is. It is a lot like call/cc, but has the curious property that the continuation escapes in a single way and is only called in a particular context. I often wonder if there is something weaker than call/cc that implements send/suspend.

Today I wrote a little dispatcher that uses threads to implement send/suspend. In this implementation, sending truly suspends the computation.

Here's the code: http://www.copypastecode.com/codes/view/5003

The trick is to have channels for communicating responses and requests. When you run this example, you should be able to add two numbers. But, in contrast to the normal send/suspend, all the URLs are one-shots, because once the computation is resumed, it moves forward... it is never saved.

This implementation technique also precludes clever implementations of send/suspend/dispatch, like:

(define (send/suspend/dispatch mk-page)
  (let/cc k0
      (lambda (handler)
        (let/ec k1 
          (k0 (handler (send/suspend k1)))))))))


the DrScheme repl isn't the one in Emacs

Dear old Lisper,

You have found drscheme and it is almost like your old Lisp machine. It is easy to program in it, it has things that nobody else has, and we all love parentheses. But after some initial enthusiasm you are wondering why in the world, we decided not to provide commands for sending individual definitions and expressions from the Definitions window to the Interactions window, aka, REPL.

It wasn't an accident. It was by design after some difficult experiences. I am personally a product of the Emacs world that you are describing below, and my advisor Dan Friedman was called the "Lispman" on his door sign at Indiana.

When I first discovered the idea of sending individual expressions and definitions from a buffer to a repl, it was a near-religious revelation to me. I wanted everyone to know this trick and use it. When I started teaching the freshman course at Rice, I told our chairman so and he asked "why". I was shocked, awed, and I failed to explain to him how it mattered. He was a mathematician and I wrote it off. They don't know.

Then I started watching my sophomores and juniors at Rice in lab. Now that was a true disappointment. Few if any used this trick and when they did, they more often tripped up and got the repl into a state where they didn't know what was going on.

In the mid 90s, I wrote some more Little books with Dan, and boy, time and again, I watched him stumble across the state of the repl. I even watched him re-start the repl and load the whole buffer more often than not.

Why? In the presence of macros and higher-order functions and other beasts, it is difficult for masters of the universe with 30 years of experience to keep track of things. What do you think students with 10 or 20 days worth of experience will do? Is it really such a deep principle of computing to create the objects incrementally in the repl as opposed to thinking systematically through the design of a program?

I decided not and asked Robby to make DrScheme's repl transparent. That is, it re-starts the repl and re-loads the buffer every time. I consider this behavior a suitable compromise: have a repl but don't confuse yourself with send-defs and send-exprs. This is especially true in an age when sending an entire buffer takes as much time as sending an individual expression or definition. Soon we'll get "compilation behind your back" so that only the current buffer is re-interpreted. It'll start things even faster.

Even though I had used the incremental mode for more than a decade when I switched from Emacs to DrScheme in 1998, I have hardly ever looked back. I miss a few other things but the incremental repl is one of those rituals old Lispers acquired and never questioned ... but it isn't fundamental and critical to anything. (Note there is no qualifying clauses, no when no if no but. I really mean this last sentence the way I spelled it.)


PLT Scheme v4.1.5

PLT Scheme version 4.1.5 is now available from

  • Web Server:
    • new URL-based dispatching library web-server/dispatch,
    • customizable continuation serialization policies for the stateless web language web-server/stuffers,
    • abstraction of serve/servlet to build simpler dispatchers web-server/servlet-env,
    • HTTP Digest authentication support web-server/http/digest-auth,
    • built-in cookie support in web-server/http/cookie and web-server/http/cookie-parse,
    • highlighting and pretty-printing of errors in Xexpr constructions,
    • load control dispatcher for limit concurrent sessions web-server/dispatchers/limit.
  • Scribble:
    • Literate programming is now available using the new scribble/lp language.
    • A new at-exp language makes it convenient to use the scribble reader's @-expressions for general code.
    • The scribble/text preprocessor language has been extended to deal with indentation and other formatting issues.
    • The "scribble" command-line tool accepts a --pdf flag to render PDFs (via pdflatex).
  • DrScheme now provides feedback when PLaneT downloads and installs new packages.
  • Units & Contracts:
    • Elements of unit signatures can now be associated with contracts via the contracted signature form.
    • A contract combinator for units, unit/c, has been added.
    • The new with-contract form provides a nestable submodule contract boundary, protecting a group of definitions from the surrounding code with contracts.
    • The define/contract form has been reworked and new define forms have been added: define-struct/contract and define-unit/contract.
  • Language levels and teachpacks from the DeinProgramm project for the German textbook "Die Macht der Abstraktion" by Herbert Klaeren and Michael Sperber have been added.
  • Misc:
    • Typed Scheme now comes with several more pre-wrapped libraries, found in the typed collection.
    • The xml and html collections are now contracted.
    • Binding parsing in net/cgi now interacts with net/uri-codec's configuration parameters.
    • DrScheme captures logging output.
    • Check syntax: it is now possible to tack arrows crossing the currently selected text.
    • New bitwise-bit-field function.
  • The usual pile of bugfixes. (Notable: scheme/package works, deflate compression fixed, DrScheme language dialog issue resolved, match fixes, Windows networking, and much more.)
[Note that mirror sites can take a while to catch up with the new downloads.] Feedback Welcome.


Maintaining self-references in Planet packages

PLaneT packages may refer to themselves (i.e. include module paths referring to some part of the same package) for a number of reasons. One module may require another. Scribble documentation traces for-label imports to construct hypertext links. DrScheme language levels may provide a module path for an initial namespace.

In each of these cases, we want the module path to refer to the same version of the same package that it occurs in. On the other hand, we do not want to have to manually search and replace the version number every time we update. Before I solved this problem I would often release some new version x.0 of a package, only to find some lingering dependency on y.0 that my search/replace had not caught. Of course, then I had to go back and replace all occurrences of both x.0 and y.0 with x.1 and release again. To avoid this headache, we need a way to express self-referential module paths with precise, implicit version numbers.

The built-in module paths don't quite support this. The relevant forms are PLaneT paths with version numbers, PLaneT paths without version numbers, and relative paths:

(planet my/package:1:0/dir/file)
(planet my/package/dir/file)

PLaneT paths with version numbers suffer from the search and replace problem: they become obsolete, and must be changed with every new release.

PLaneT paths without version numbers "upgrade" with a new release: they automatically refer to the latest version of a package. Unfortunately, this means they aren't really "self"-references. As soon as version 2.0 is released, every version-free reference to the package refers to 2.0. Even the references in version 1.0 get implicitly updated, and become forward references rather than self-references.

Relative paths are precise, in that they always refer to the same version of the same package. However, because they implicitly refer to the directory containing the source code, they are only valid within a single file. They cannot be reliably passed to DrScheme for a language level namespace, traced for documentation links by Scribble, or used by other such external tools.

None of these options provides precise, stable, externally comprehensible, self-referential module paths.

To fill this need, I have released (planet cce/scheme:4:1/planet). This module provides PLaneT package authors with several macros that construct references to the current package in require imports, Scribble documentation, and dynamic values. The self-referential modules paths are constructed automatically at compile time based on the source location of the macro use and the local PLaneT package database. Their expanded form always includes an explicit package name and version number (both major and minor). Here I will summarize their use, with (planet my/package:1:0/dir/file) as a running example. For full details, see the online documentation or install the package.

To import a module from within a PLaneT package, use the this-package-in require transformer. To re-export bindings from a module imported this way, use the this-package-out provide transformer, or use require/provide/this-package in place of both.

For example, you might want to import and re-export bindings from dir/file:

(require (planet my/package:1:0/dir/file))
(provide (all-from-out (planet my/package:1:0/dir/file)))

You can leave out the package name and version number, thus making the code invariant across upgrades, by writing:

(require (this-package-in dir/file))
(provide (this-package-out dir/file))

Or, you can further simplify it:

(require/provide/this-package dir/file)

All three of the above are equivalent (in version 1.0).

In Scribble documentation, a module often refers to itself via defmodule, declare-exporting, or schememodname. I provide the extensions defmodule/this-package, declare-exporting/this-package, and schememodname/this-package, respectively. These macros allow the user to supply a path such as dir/file, or to omit one to refer to the package as a whole (or its main module). In positions where the original macros allow a sequence of module paths, these forms allow two sequences, one for self-referential module paths and one for other paths.

To document an entire module, one might first write:

(defmodule (planet my/package:1:0))

The automatic self-reference version is simply:


In more complicated cases, one might document a sub-part of a package or present bindings from multiple sources:

(defmodule (planet my/package:1:0/dir/file)
  [(planet my/package:1:0/private/impl) somewhere/else])

These self-references can still be automated:

(defmodule/this-package dir/file

Finally, I provide this-package-version-symbol for constructing PLaneT package symbols as runtime values. This macro is analogous to this-package-version from the planet/util collection, but it constructs a symbol rather than an s-expression. You can use this symbol to construct a module path for a DrScheme language level, or escape it with unsyntax in Scribble's schemeblock typesetting to create self-referential example code.

This list of utilities may not be complete. Users may need to write new macros for self-referential PLaneT packages. To that end, (planet cce/scheme:4:1/syntax) provides syntax-source-planet-package. This function is analogous to this-package-version, but operates on syntax objects and is designed to be used in macro transformers. There are also -owner, -name, -major, -minor, and -symbol versions following the same analogy.

I find these tools useful for maintaining my PLaneT packages, and I hope other authors will too. If you do give them a try, please send feedback on what does or doesn't work, or what might be improved. I would eventually like to add a refined version to the PLT Scheme collections once we get enough experience to know that these tools are fairly complete and usable.


Call for Participation: Writing Typed Scheme wrapper modules

Typed Scheme is a language for writing PLT Scheme programs that are statically checked for type errors. Right now, Typed Scheme handles a large portion of the PLT Scheme language. However, to use Typed Scheme effectively, we need libraries that work with it. For this task, we're looking for help.

We'd like volunteers for writing wrapper modules that adapt untyped libraries to Typed Scheme. This task is very easy for the smallest libraries, but can be much more complicated for larger, complex libraries.

There's a preliminary guide for conversion here and a list of modules to adapt, and their current status is available here.

Questions about this project, and about developing with Typed Scheme in general, can be asked on plt-dev@list.cs.brown.edu , and questions or comments can be sent directly to me.

We hope to continue making Typed Scheme into a useful tool for PLT Scheme programmers.

Sam, Stevie, and Matthias


Steering Scheme

Election time is here again. A couple more days and the Scheme community will have a set of new steer-ers.

What should we want from a steering committee?

I have argued at this place before that good language design needs a feedback loop. Language designers write down specs; language implementers translate those specs into compilers and interpreters; programmers use these implementations to produce useful software. The loop comes in when implementers inform designers of flaws, inconsistencies, mistakes, errors, and other internal consistency problems in the specs. This is clearly happening with R6RS, and it is good. Implementers are a biased bunch, however. After all, they work on just one kind of program, and in a highly specialized domain that has been mined for a long time. How can you trust them? [*]

The loop becomes truly useful when people write large software systems (not just compilers, because they really are special cases!) and find that the language fails them in some way. Such failures can come in a number of flavors. For a document such as R6RS, we should hope that programmers can discover problems with porting systems that are apparently due to ambiguities, flaws, mistakes, roaches in the actual document (as opposed to a specific implementation).

So what does this have to do with the steering committee?

The last thing we want from a steering committee is a radical commitment to change (whatever it may be); a prejudice concerning R6RS; a closed mind about the size of "Scheme" (it's too large, it's too small); a willingness to steer without making observations. A steering committee of overbearing curmudgeons is not what we want.

What we do want is a committee that is willing to figure out how the listening is going to happen; how we can possibly finance a systematic way of listening (writing NSF grants, anyone?); how the feedback is best channeled into language design.

Let's hope we get such a steering committee. The Scheme community deserves it.

[*] No I am not naive enough to think that language implementers don't design languages, and that implementers don't program systems other than implementations. I am just skeptical that it is easy for them to separate out their various roles in an objective manner, even if many of them are able to think at several different levels about programs.


New Contract-Related Features

In SVN I've added three new major features that involve contracts. One allows for more fine-grained control of contracts, and the other two allow for the use of contracts with signatures and units.

Contract Regions

Contract regions allow the programmer to protect a region of code with a contract boundary. In addition to the wrapped code, the programmer also provides a name for the region which is used in blame situations and a list of exported variables which can either be protected with contracts or unprotected. The region provides a true contract boundary, in that uses of contracted exports within the region are unprotected. Contract regions are specified with the with-contract form. The following contract region defines two mutually recursive functions:

(with-contract region1
 ([f (-> number? boolean?)]
  [g (-> number? boolean?)])
 (define (f n) (if (zero? n) #f (g (sub1 n))))
 (define (g n) (if (zero? n) #t (f (sub1 n)))))

The internal calls to f and g are uncontracted, but calls to fand g outside this region would be appropriately contracted. First-order checks are performed at the region, so the following region:

(with-contract region2
 ([n number?])
 (define n #t))

results in the following error:

(region region2) broke the contract number? on n; expected <number?>, given: #t

Notice that the blame not only gives the name of the region, but describes what type of contract boundary was involved.

For contracting a single definition, there is the define/contract form which has a similar syntax to define, except that it takes a contract before the body of the definition. To compare the two forms, the following two definitions are equivalent:

(with-contract fact
 ([fact (-> number? number?)])
 (define (fact n)
   (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (fact (sub1 n))))))

(define/contract (fact n)
 (-> number? number?)
 (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (fact (sub1 n)))))

First order checks are similarly performed at the definition for define/contract, so

(define/contract (fact n)
 (-> number?)
 (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (fact (sub1 n)))))

results in

(function fact) broke the contract (-> number?) on fact; expected a procedure that accepts no arguments without any keywords, given: #<procedure:fact>

Signature Contracts

In addition to contract regions, units are also now contract boundaries. One way to use contracts with units is to add contracts to unit signatures via the contracted signature form.

(define-signature toy-factory^
   [build-toys (-> integer? (listof toy?))]
   [repaint    (-> toy? symbol? toy?)]
   [toy?       (-> any/c boolean?)]
   [toy-color  (-> toy? symbol?)])))

Notice that contracts in a signature can use variables listed in the signature.

Now if we take the following implementation of that signature:

(define-unit simple-factory@
 (export toy-factory^)
 (define-struct toy (color) #:transparent)
 (define (build-toys n)
   (for/list ([i (in-range n)])
     (make-toy 'blue)))
 (define (repaint t col)
   (make-toy col)))

We get the appropriate contract checks on those exports:

> (define-values/invoke-unit/infer simple-factory@)
> (build-toys 3)
(#(struct:toy blue) #(struct:toy blue) #(struct:toy blue))
> (build-toys #f)
top-level broke the contract (-> integer? (listof toy?))
 on build-toys; expected , given: #f

As before, uses of contracted exports inside the unit are not checked.

Since units are contract boundaries, they can be blamed appropriately. Take the following definitions:

(define-unit factory-user@
 (import toy-factory^)
 (let ([toys (build-toys 3)])
   (repaint 3 'blue)))

(define-compound-unit/infer factory+user@
 (import) (export)
 (link simple-factory@ factory-user@))

When we invoke the combined unit:

> (define-values/invoke-unit/infer factory+user@)
(unit factory-user@) broke the contract
 (-> toy? symbol? toy?)
on repaint; expected , given: 3

Unit Contracts

However, we may not always be able to add contracts to signatures. For example, there are many already-existing signatures in PLT Scheme that one may want to implement, or a programmer may want to take a unit value and add contracts to it after the fact.

To do this, there is the unit/c contract combinator. It takes a list of imports and exports, where each signature is paired with a list of variables and their contracts for each signature. So if we had the uncontracted version of the toy-factory^ signature:

(define-signature toy-factory^
 (build-toys repaint toy? toy-color))

the following contracts would be appropriate for a unit that imports nothing and exports that signature:

(unit/c (import) (export))
(unit/c (import) (export toy-factory^))
 (export (toy-factory^
          [toy-color (-> toy? symbol?)])))
 (export (toy-factory^
          [build-toys (-> integer? (listof toy?))]
          [repaint    (-> toy? symbol? toy?)]
          [toy?       (-> any/c boolean?)]
          [toy-color  (-> toy? symbol?)])))

Unit contracts can contain a superset of the import signatures and a subset of the export signatures for a given unit value. Also, variables that are not listed for a given signature are left alone when the contracts are being added.

Since the results of applying unit/c is a new unit, then adding a contract can cause link inference to fail. For example, if we change the definition of simple-factory@ above to

(define/contract simple-factory@
  (export (toy-factory^
           [build-toys (-> integer? (listof toy?))]
           [repaint    (-> toy? symbol? toy?)]
           [toy?       (-> any/c boolean?)]
           [toy-color  (-> toy? symbol?)])))
   (export toy-factory^)
   (define-struct toy (color) #:transparent)
   (define (build-toys n)
     (for/list ([i (in-range n)])
       (make-toy 'blue)))
   (define (repaint t col)
     (make-toy col))))

Then when we try to combine it with the factory-user@ unit, we get:

define-compound-unit/infer: not a unit definition in: simple-factory@

One way to solve this is to use define-unit-binding to set up the static information for the new contracted value. Another possibility for unit definitions is to use define-unit/contract:

(define-unit/contract simple-factory@
 (export (toy-factory^
          [build-toys (-> integer? (listof toy?))]
          [repaint    (-> toy? symbol? toy?)]
          [toy?       (-> any/c boolean?)]
          [toy-color  (-> toy? symbol?)]))

 (define-struct toy (color) #:transparent)

 (define (build-toys n)
   (for/list ([i (in-range n)])
     (make-toy 'blue)))

 (define (repaint t col)
   (make-toy col)))

More about these features can be found in the Reference, and a short section about signature and unit contracts has been added to the Guide.


CfP: Scheme Workshop 2009!


Cambridge, Massachusetts

August 22, 2009

call for papers


The Scheme and Functional Programming Workshop showcases research and experience related to Scheme, and more broadly to all aspects of functional programming.

Areas of interest include:

  • Language Design, Type Systems, Theory
  • Program Development Environments, Education
  • Agile Methodologies, Lightweight Software Engineering
  • Applications, Implementation, and Experience
  • SRFIs!

In addition to technical papers on matters of programming-language research, we encourage submissions that present experience or innovation with a particular project. The key criterion for any paper--technical or not--is that it makes a contribution from which other practitioners can benefit.


Dates are firm, and will not be extended. Please plan accordingly.

  • Submission Deadline: June 5, 2009 (FIRM)
  • Author Notification: June 26, 2009
  • Final Papers Due: July 24, 2009
  • Workshop: August 22, 2009

Program Committee:

  • John Clements, Cal Poly State University (organizer & chair)
  • Dominique Boucher, Nu Echo
  • Abdulaziz Ghuloum, Indiana University
  • David Herman, Northeastern University
  • Shriram Krishnamurthi, Brown University
  • Matthew Might, University of Utah
  • David Van Horn, Northeastern University

Publication Policy:

Submitted papers must have content that has not previously been published in other conferences or refereed venues, and simultaneous submission to other conferences or refereed venues is unacceptable.

Publication of a paper at this workshop is not intended to replace conference or journal publication, and does not preclude re-publication of a more complete or finished version of the paper at some later conference or in a journal.

Submission Instructions:

Your submissions should be no longer than 12 pages, including bibliography and appendices. Papers may be shorter than this limit, and the Program Committee encourages authors to submit shorter papers where appropriate.

The conference web page (URL above) contains detailed formatting instructions and LaTeX support files.

Submit your papers using the Continue 2.0 submission server, at the URL:


We look forward to reading your papers!


PLT Scheme version 4.1.4 is now available from

  • New libraries include `scheme/package' (for nestable static modules) and `ffi/objc' (support for Objective-C).
  • New teaching support includes a "universe.ss" teachpack for connecting "worlds" over a network.
  • Redex now supports automatic test-case generation. Specify a predicate that should hold of your reduction system, and Redex will attempt to falsify it. See 'redex-check' in the manual for more details.
  • Improvements to the run-time system include better and more reliable memory-limit tracking, function contracts that preserve tail recursion in many cases, native debugging backtraces on x86_64, and performance improvements.
  • Improved libraries include enhancements to `scheme/sandbox', better handling of zero-sized matches by `regexp-split' and friends, an `equal<%>' interface for specifying equality on class instances (and more general support for attaching properties to interfaces), equality (via `equal<%>') for image objects, and refinements to `scheme/foreign' to support atomic operations and function-pointer conversions.
[Note that mirror sites can take a while to catch up with the new downloads.] Feedback Welcome.