
Dirty Looking Hygiene

With the recent release of Arc, there has been some discussion over hygienic macros. Yes, hygienic macros are usually very convenient, but they can become messy in some ‘corner’ cases. People who learn about macros in Scheme usually start with syntax-rules, and being the limited tool that it is, they often get the impression that for advanced uses (like a macro that captures an identifier) you need to use syntax-case which is this “really obscure thing”. For example, say that we want to implement an if form that is similar to Arc's if. This is pretty easy using syntax-rules:

  (define-syntax if*
    (syntax-rules ()
      [(if*) (void)]
      [(if* X) X]
      [(if* C X more ...) (if C X (if* more ...))]))
But more important than being easy to write: it is also easy to read. In fact, the nice thing about syntax-rules is that you write more or less the specification of your transformation. Compare this to the specification of Arc's if, which appears in a comment before the definition of ac-if in “ac.scm”:
  ; (if) -> nil
  ; (if x) -> x
  ; (if t a ...) -> a
  ; (if nil a b) -> b
  ; (if nil a b c) -> (if b c)
(Except that the comment mixes up the syntactic specification and the semantic evaluation.) As a side note, now that we have this definition, it is easy to construct a new language that is just like MzScheme, except for its if that behaves like the above:
  (module arc-like mzscheme
    (define-syntax if* ...the above definition...)
    (provide (all-from-except mzscheme if)
             (rename if* if)))
You can now write code that uses "arc-like.scm" as its language, using the new if. There is no problem in accommodating two languages with two different if's: the new form is compiled to the old one, and there is no confusion in which version you use in any module. Back to the macro issue: as I said above, you run into problems if you want to capture names, right? For example, if you want to implement Arc's aif. The usual syntax-case solution is to construct an identifier that has the lexical context of the input syntax. It's easy to abstract over all this — I posted a message on the Arc forum showing how to define a defmac macro that has the simplicity of syntax-rules with the added convenience of specifying keywords and captured names. This works for some cases, but there are still some subtle corner cases. But there's a better solution in PLT Scheme, one that follows Paul Graham's intuition when he says:
“captured symbols are kind of freaky”
The basic idea is a change of perspective: instead of (unhygienically) binding individual occurrences of it whenever aif is used, you define it once as a thing in its own right — a special context-dependant piece of syntax. Outside of an aif form, it has no meaning: we simply make it throw a syntax error. Uses of aif provide a meaning for it by locally changing its meaning (its expansion) to something useful: the binding that holds the result of evaluating the condition expression. (“Locally” means within a piece of syntax, so the new meaning is valid in a lexical-scope.) In PLT Scheme, the “special context-dependant piece of syntax” are syntax parameters, and you change them locally with syntax-parameterize. To continue the above example, here's how we make our if* anaphoric:
  • require the (lib "stxparam.ss" "mzlib") library,
  • define it as a syntax using define-syntax-parameter, and have it raise an error by default,
  • bind a temporary variable to the result of evaluating the condition,
  • wrap the positive branch with syntax-parameterize, using make-rename-transformer, which is a convenient way to make a macro that behaves like the new variable.
The implementation looks like this:
  (require (lib "stxparam.ss" "mzlib"))
  (define-syntax-parameter it
    (lambda (stx)
      (raise-syntax-error #f "can only be used inside `if'" stx)))
  (define-syntax if*
    (syntax-rules ()
      [(if*) (void)]
      [(if* X) X]
      [(if* C X more ...)
       (let ([b C])
         (if b
           (syntax-parameterize ([it (make-rename-transformer #'b)]) X)
           (if* more ...)))]))
The resulting macro does not break hygiene. For example, (let ([it 3]) (if #t it)) evaluates to 3, because it shadows the global it that if changes. This is a change from a real unhygienic macro — but that's the whole point: we (the macro author) do not interfere with scopes in the user code. Note that (if 1 (if 2 it)) still evaluates to 2, because the outer if does not really bind it — it is not captured, just changed locally — so the inner if changes it again. Also, (if #f it it) raises the usual context error, since our macro changes it only in the positive branch.


Unknown said...
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Martin DeMello said...

The specification atop the macro reminds me of the quip that "any sufficiently well-commented lisp program contains an ML program in its comments" (: